26 March 2020 is imprinted in my memory, the day before South Africa went into complete lockdown due to Covid 19. I can still remember how nervous I felt while moving my office to home for what we thought was going to be 3 weeks.
In the absolute chaos I send a colleague to the bank to deposit some cash while I was loading my car with all I will need from the office.
On his return he handed 7 x 1c pieces to me as change from the bank. This was odd, I thought, as 1c pieces was out of circulation for a while.
It was the two sparrows on these 1c pieces that made me look twice, it reminded me once again of His Promise that he will look after me like He look after the sparrows in the field. Although they don’t work hard, they always have more than enough. They are consent.
These 1c pieces remind me often that I should not worry about what is about to unfold.
Interesting fact:
Banks ceased to use the 1c on 31 March 2002. This is consistent with a decision which was taken by the Cabinet in July 2000.
Thank you Dad for always keeping your promises!