When are you ready for
We all want to know when is my child emotionally ready for the internet world.
I often hear parents say my child only have a phone for an emergency. I have goods news for you in a real emergency an adult will call you even if your princess have 2 devices with her.
You keep defending yourself by adding that you check your perfect kiddo’s devices but the fact of the matter is that they know more communication channels that you can ever dream off and you cannot watch him 24/7. It is a bit like saying oral sex is not sex who are you fooling.
What can you do to protect your child?
I don’t believe any child is ready for the big world before 12, if you will not let your child stay home alone, he is not ready for the internet.
Teach your child good moral standards.
Explain to them how dangerous the internet can be, tell them that someone can see your location without the correct security settings.
Let him know you are worried about the other people out there.
If you read an interesting article about someone that gone missing after meeting someone on the net, share it at the dinner table.
Yes, there are apps that you can use to keep an eye on their devises, do some research on it.
You have to give your kids self-defence tools without being the nagging Mom.
Make sure your child know how to talk without being beachy, never let them use the TV as a reference.
Let them play outside as often as possible, their bodies need it and it will help with anxiety.
Take a picture of your computer screen while you look at images and you will be surprise how much is happening that you have not notice while looking at the pictures. How will these movements impact young children’s brain development.
You will not introduce your child to drugs but more people are addicted to their phones than alcohol and drugs combined. Constantly watching to see if someone has respondent to your message or if someone has liked or comment on your social media post can negatively impact your selfsisteem.
As a mother of 4 do you prefer a clean lounge while you all enjoy some screen time?
No! I love it when they are in an imaginary world playing, making sounds. We pick up the toys before they go to bed, kids stop playing to early now and that impact fine motorskills negatively. -Flora
Do the kids in your class have cell phones?
Yes, almost everyone has a phone. -DJ 10 years
We learn from the older sibling, your son is now 17 years old will the other 2 boys get a sim earlier?
No, they will both only get a sim in Grade 7 (year that they turn 13) we learned lessons from the first round. You only get one chance you can never go back. -Avon
Yes the internet is not all bad, most schools use it now to load information but you have to make the decisions not the world on your behalf.
* we used pseudonym names to protect the identity of the kids